Multiple counts of murder.
Only if all counts are tried simultaneously.
Literally ANTYHING that the prosecution can use to link the offender to the crime.
You may be thinking of counts in yarn, where counts can indicate the number of twists per inch in the spin.
In criminal law, a "count" is a charge for a single crime. "Two counts of prostitution" means the person has been charged for two acts of prostitution.
People who are suspected of serious crimes may face felony counts if the government possesses evidence of the crime sufficient to obtain an indictment.
It is not the number, it is how it is applied that counts
Property Crime.
They are determined by the number of protons in their nucleus.
Well I'm not sure if this counts as state crime, but I live in Aurora, Colorado, and we're still recovering from the Theatre Shooting incident.
yes posses a firearm during the comision of a crime counts as a gun crime. drugs are still illegal and having both results in jail.
"I am determined to write a sentence for you." "The detective is determined to get the needed evidence for the crime." "I have determined that the Syrian government are evil animals."