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well i think that when a teacher is doing this, its call flirting like

stares at you

plays around with you

calls you nice things like (your not fat,your skinny, your preatty, )

and stuff like that

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12y ago
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15y ago

Do not respond to any of the teachers advances. Tell a trusted parent/carer immediately, or tell another teacher you trust or even the Headteacher. Make sure there is always a trusted friend or at least another pupil in the room when you have to speak to this particular teacher. Do not communicate with the teacher unless it is necessary. You could ring Childine or Connexions for professional advice.

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13y ago

Well, they will want to sit next to you, try to talk to you and make you laugh, he/she will ask who you like, ask if you have MSN ect (or he/she may just wanna talk), say you look nice, pretty ect. and they may simply just say I like you.

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12y ago

smile at you a lot, give you a pencil when u lost it, hug you,

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14y ago

When your teacher is nice to you in a special way that nobody else in the class is treated.

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12y ago

You like love like or like you are a good student like? If love like, he will prob ask to hang out! If the 2nd one they will be friendly!

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13y ago

Teachers don't get crushes on students. Not only is it illegal, but wrong. A teacher may offer to help you or show you some attention because they feel you need it, but this is not a crush.

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14y ago

when u become a teachers pet and they call on u all the time but when a teacher like like likes u it is mostly male like female

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13y ago

they give you a nicknaame

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