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Employers owe non-FLSA-exempt employees overtime for WORK in excess of 40 hours in a week, not 8 hours in a day.

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Q: In PA can an employer require employee's to work over 8 hours to fulfill overtime requirements even when an employee has off a day during that given week and therefore not pay them overtime pay?
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From Minn. Stat. s. 177.24: "Any gratuity received by an employee or deposited in or about a place of business for personal services rendered by an employee is the sole property of the employee. No employer may require an employee to contribute or share a gratuity received by the employee with the employer or other employees or to contribute any or all of the gratuity to a fund or pool operated for the benefit of the employer or employees. This section does not prevent an employee from voluntarily and individually sharing gratuities with other employees."