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The strongest branch of the government is the executive branch

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Q: In a Republican government which branch is strongest?
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In republican government which branch necessarily predominates according to James Madison?

The Legislative Branch

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The National Government ( Congress) has the responsibility.

What branch of government in ancient rome that had unlimited power called a dictator?

The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.The Romans had no branch of government called a dictator. A dictator was a person with unlimited power appointed by the senate under the republican form of government.

Why did the congress become the strongest branch of government in the 1880's?

why was congress the stongest branch of government in the 1800s

The authors of the American Constitution anticipated that which branch of national government would be the strongest?


Why is congress the strongest branch in government?

What give Congress so much power is that they control the purse strings.

What kind of government currently runs Dominican Republic?

The kind of government that currently runs Dominican Republic is a republican government. The president is executive and independent of the legislative branch.

Why did Montesquieu believe that the powers of republican government should be separated among different branches or groups in the government?

because he believed that the powers of the republican government should be separated among different branches or groups in the government because he felt that no single branch could control the entire government if its powers were separated balanced and checked. then no single branch could use the government for its own selfish purposes. the result would be a government that would promote the common welfare.

Is the legislative branch the strongest branch?

The strength of each branch of government can vary depending on the context and country. In some systems, the legislative branch may be considered the strongest due to its power to create laws and oversee the executive branch's actions. However, in other systems, the executive branch may hold more power.

What is the strongest Branch in the 39Clues?
