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Q: Intermediate scrutiny is the classification test generally applied to issues concerning which minority group?
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Why are Laws concerning women are not subject to the strict scrutiny test?

Women do not qualify as a "discrete and insular minority".

What did Leonard Calvert order Lord Baltimore to do concerning the Catholic minority in Maryland?

because he's crazy!

Do orthodox sleep in separate beds?

Generally no, but there are probably a minority of them that do.

Which Agency made many important binding decisions concerning the quest for equality by minority groups?

supreme court

Which agencies has made many important binding decisions concerning the quest for equality by minority groups?

Supreme Court

Do Buddhists practice homosexuality?

Not all of them

What agency made many important binding decisions concerning the quest for equality by minority groups?

supreme court ( novanet )

What agency has made many important binding decisions concerning the quest for equality by minority groups?

supreme courte (novanet)

Laws concerning women are not subject to the scrutiny test because?

laws concerning women are not typically subject to the scrutiny test because gender is considered a suspect classification under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This means that laws that discriminate based on gender are subject to a higher level of judicial review to ensure they serve important governmental objectives and are substantially related to achieving those objectives.

What is a Minority Scholarships?

There are many different scholarships under the "Minority" Branch, and generally to be eligible to receive a minority scholarship, you must be of a certain race, or culture. For example, in Canada, you may be eligible for an Aboriginal scholarship whether they study at home or abroad.

Law concerning women are not subjected to the strict scrutiny Test because..?

there are no laws that apply only to women.

There is a minority or there are a minority?

a minority is a minor person