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Q: Math and lawyers
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How does math relate to being a lawyer?

Lawyers use percentages

What kind of math classes the lawyers have to take?

finance backrupty algebre

How can a lawyer use Pythagorean Theorem?

If needed, I guess. I do not see lawyers needing the Pythagorean Theory in their work and lawyers are notoriously ignorant of math and science.

How is math do with a lawer?

Lawyers use a lot of statistics and there are some equations to deal with the strength of a legal document.

What does lawyers do everyday at their job?

Persuation, confidence, loyalty, math for money problems, these are all common sense really...

You may have heard that old math teachers never die they just reduce to lowest termsto findout what happens to old lawyers and skiers?

Lawyers burn in paperwork and skiers turn into skiing chipmunks

How do lawyers relate to math?

Calculating how much time they need to spend thinking about a client(not much) and how much they should charge them for that effort. Lawyers also need highly developed problem-solving, logic and reasoning skills.

Do Jewish lawyers benefit from Black on Black crime?

Yes as do black lawyers, Hispanic lawyers, Catholic lawyers, Hindu lawyers, Muslim lawyers, Irish lawyers, Italian lawyers, Greek lawyers, Polish lawyers, Native American lawyers, male lawyers, female lawyers, transgender lawyers, gay lawyers, straight lawyers, agnostic lawyers, vegetarian lawyers, vegan lawyers,

How does a lawyer use math in there job?

lawyers use math like percentages, geometric proofs, and mathematical formulas but what other things do they use that's what I'm trying to figure they use any other math terms other than those 3...=)

What are the 8 different lawyers called?

There are family lawyers, real-estate lawyers, criminal lawyers, corporate lawyers, divorce lawyers, accident lawyers, debt settlement lawyers, Personal Injury lawyers, Bankkruptcy lawyers, Traffic lawyers, and Immigration lawyers.

What are all the different types of Lawyers?

corperate lawyers family lawyers environmental lawyers immigration lawyers criminal and justice lawyers business lawyers

What is the possessive form of lawyers?

The possessive form for the plural noun lawyers is lawyers'.Example: The lawyers' offices are on the tenth floor.