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Probably communication would be the best thing for you to do. You need to know why you are running into them so often, and change your behavior. The police don't usually waste time on law abiding people. Most citizens rarely talk to a police officer, even for a ticket, but if you notice you are getting tickets often, you may choose to sell your car and drive more defensively. If your friends are in and out of trouble with police, you possibly should spend less time with them. If, however, you find yourself the true victim of police harassment, you have several options. If it's a patrolman who is harassing you, you can go in to the station house and speak to that patrolman's supervisor, sergeant, or commander. Usually, if it's a misunderstanding, it can be cleared up there. If the issue is more involved than just one patrolman, you can always file a complaint with the department's Internal Affairs division. This division is separate from the chain-of-command of the remainder of the department, so that they can be impartial in investigating their own. You can contact Internal Affairs through the governmental body that oversees that particular department (for example, if it's a city police department, you can go to the city administration to get contact information for IA. Finally, you can get an attorney and file a civil harassment suit against the department, but you should really try to address the situation directly with the department first before engaging in a lawsuit.

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15y ago
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10y ago

You need to tell someone as soon as possible.

You should not be sexually harassed. Whether physically, online or anywhere else.

It is illegal to sexually harass another person. The law is already on your side.

Please inform somebody of authority.

If you are a student, tell a teacher.

If you are an employee, tell the boss.

You can go to your parents too. Or you can go straight to the police.

The police will give you protection and deal with the matter swiftly.

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10y ago

If you are being harassed the first thing you should do is tell the person to stop. Next, you should document each and every incident. Lastly, talk to your supervisors if this is happening at work.

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16y ago

If you are being harassed tell an adult or someone you know and trust or tell a police man. Being raped you tell an adult you trust and you tell a police man.

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False. Sexual harassment in the workplace is *always* the call of the person being harassed. Someone doesn't have to have a history of sexual harassment, nor should that even come into the equation. If the supervisor has made you feel uncomfortable, then take it to your HR department. Remember, the harassment is always the determination of the person being harassed, not by the person doing the harassment. If you feel harassed, then you've been harassed.

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