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No. Overtime is only given if you work more than 40 hours in a given workweek.

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Q: You worked 34.6 hrs plus 8 holiday hrs Do you get paid overtime?
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Can you waive your right to minimum wage?

No. Non-exempt employees must be paid minimum wage for each hour worked, plus overtime premiums.

Did the Nazis get paid?

Yes, government officials were paid by the NSDAP and workers were paid through the companies that worked for the benefit of the Reich. Think of it as any modern system of government with the exception of strict government control and policies.

Jim worked 40 regular hours last week, plus 8 overtime hours at the time-and-a-half rate. His gross pay was $1,248?


Can an employer legally enforce working 6 days without overtime?

Not sure about all states but in Texas they can. As long as the total pay for the week equals the minimum wage plus overtime at the minimum rate for the hrs worked it is legal. For example the minimum wage is 7.25 per hr. If you wok 60 hrs in a week the page at minimum wage plus the OT rate your weekly pay would be would be $435.00. If you were paid an hourly rate at 10.00 per hr times 60 hrs straight pay it would equal $600.00 which is above the minimum hr rate plus overtime rate.

What is a fluctuating workweek, and how does it affect overtime pay?

The fluctuating workweek is a method of calculating overtime when the number of hours you work fluctuates week-to-week. Does your work schedule vary from week to week? If so, your employer may be paying you on a “fluctuating workweek” basis. Your Ohio Unpaid Overtime attorneys explain everything you need to know to ensure you are being paid overtime at the correct rate. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), employers generally must pay their hourly-paid employees overtime, at a rate of one-and-one-half times the employee’s regular hourly rate, for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek. Many employees are paid by the hour, so an overtime calculation is simple – the employee’s hourly rate is multiplied by one-and-one-half to calculation the overtime rate. However, some employees are paid on different bases, such as salary, commission, or piece-rate, and work a varying number of hours each week. Under the fluctuating workweek method,[1] a non-exempt employee will receive a set weekly salary regardless of how many hours he or she works, plus an additional amount as overtime pay for all hours worked over 40 per workweek. For all overtime hours, the employee receives an additional “half time” hourly rate. For example, if an employee receives a weekly salary of $800 per week, they will receive this amount regardless of whether they work 20 hours or 40 hours per week. If, however, the employee works 50 hours per week, they will receive their $800 weekly salary plus overtime pay for 10 hours of overtime. The employee’s regular rate of pay in this example is $16 per hour ($800 weekly salary divided by 50 hours worked). Thus, in addition to their $800 per week salary, the employee receives an additional $80 as overtime pay (half-time rate of $8.00 per hour x 10 overtime hours). If you believe that you are not being paid overtime correctly or have other questions related to you wages or employment, reach out to your Columbus Unpaid Overtime Lawyers today for a free consultation. Mansell Law LLC Columbus Employment Attorneys

How much paid leave is there in China?

Chinese citizens have 11 days' legal holiday each year, plus 5 to 15 days' paid leave in accordance with the personal working life.

How much does an rcmp corporal make?

85 K plus overtime.

Jaci Welk is paid 11.95 an hour with a time and a half pay for all hours she works over 40 hours a week last week she worked 45.5 hours how many over time hours did she work?

This question seems too easy, are you looking for something other than the oblivious 5.5 hrs of overtime? You mention the $11.95 per hour pay, plus time and a half for overtime, yet your question does not ask for any dollar amount. If you are looking for the total $ amount for the week, it is $ 478 in regular pay + $ 98.59 in overtime pay. This totals $ 576.59Or I have missed the point completely.

What is top pay for a cnc machinist?

most i seen at my show is 29 an hour plus lots and lots of overtime =) six figures most i seen at my show is 29 an hour plus lots and lots of overtime =) six figures

Can I find a fund to cover room and board and books for me at Xavier Univ of New Orleans I just started and have taken out a loan, but I need a grant or schorlarship for this. Can I get help?

How overtime is paid with regard to things like sick time, vacation time and comp time is a policy that varies from company to company. If you worked 32 hours and have 8 hours of comp time, you actually only worked 32 hours, so the nine extra hours would include only one hour of over. The other eight hours would be paid at the regular rate. Some companies, however, would consider 32 hours plus eight hours of comp time a full 40-hour week and then would pay overtime for the extra nine hours. This has much to do with budget allowances and the company's regard for employee morale.

What is the average salary for a ups driver?

currently in southern California its 29.71/hr plus full medical, dental and vision. also paid are a legal plan, pension, major holiday's off paid, and up to 6 weeks paid vacation and 4 floating holidays. also yearly guaranteed prenegotiated raises.

How much does a Bank of America manager make?

I worked for Bank of America and made 48k plus commision if the branch met goal every 6 months!! I was an assistant and you could not work more than 40 hours, the bank did not want you to collect overtime pay!