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Euclid formulated several laws in geometry, known as Euclidean geometry. Some of his famous laws include the law of reflection, the law of superposition, and the law of parallel lines. These laws are fundamental to understanding the relationships between points, lines, and shapes in geometry.

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Q: What are laws formulated by Euclid?
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The scientist who formulated the three laws of motion is Sir Isaac Newton.

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Where did pythagoros and euclid make there discovery?

Both Pythagoras and Euclid were ancient Greeks. it not known where Pythagoras formulated his theorem. He was born on the Greek island of Samos. He travelled extensively around the Greek world and Egypt. He returned to Samos and then settled permanently in Croton, in present day Calabria, southern Italy. Euclid worked in Alexandria of Egypt.

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Depends on what material you are talking about, math, physics, etc.

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Isaac newton discovered or formulated the laws of gravity. The laws exist and are a part of nature they were there before he discovered them, but yes it was he who wrote them down.

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Isaac Newton formulated the laws of motion. These should not be confused with the laws of planetary motion by Keplar

How many laws are there in science?

There is no definitive number of laws in science as new laws are discovered and formulated over time. Some well-known laws in science include Newton's laws of motion, the laws of thermodynamics, and the laws of conservation of mass and energy.

Where was the law of motion invented?

The laws of motion were formulated by Sir Isaac Newton in England in the 17th century.