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The Homestead Act of 1862 granted 160 acres of land to settlers who agreed to live on and cultivate it for five years. This law encouraged westward expansion in the United States by providing opportunities for individuals to own land.

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Q: Which law gave settlers 160 acres of land if they agreed to farm it?
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What act gave settlers 160 acres of land if they would work and live on the land for five years?

The Homestead Act of 1862 provided settlers with 160 acres of land if they agreed to live on and improve the land for five years. This act aimed to encourage westward expansion and settlement of the frontier in the United States.

What law gave land to settlers?

The Homestead Act of 1862 granted 160 acres of public land to homesteaders who agreed to live on the land, improve it, and cultivate it for at least five years. This law aimed to encourage settlement and cultivation of the American West.

What law gave native Americans 160 acres of land if they gave up their religion?

The Dawes Act of 1887 offered Native Americans 160 acres of land if they agreed to give up their communal land ownership system and adopt individual farming practices. This law aimed to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream American society by encouraging them to become independent farmers.

The law which gave 160 acres of land to famlies settling parts of the west was the?

Homestead Act of 1862 gave 160 acres of land to families settling parts of the West.

What was the name of the law in which the government gave a 160-acre farm to anyone willing to work on and improve the land?

The law was called the Homestead Act of 1862. It aimed to encourage Western migration and settlement by offering 160 acres of free land to individuals, and later families, willing to work on and improve the land over a period of five years.

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What did the homestead act of 1862 offer westerns settlers?

160 acres of free land to farm

What 1882 act gave 160 free acres of land to settlers?

the homestead act gave 160 acres of free land to new settlers.

What did the act do?

Encouraged small farms in the Great Plains Provided incentives for settlers to farm in the West increase farming in the west it gave farmers 160 acres of land

Gave settlers 160 acres for 10 dollars?

homestead act

What act gave settlers 160 acres of land if they would work and live on the land for five years?

The Homestead Act of 1862 provided settlers with 160 acres of land if they agreed to live on and improve the land for five years. This act aimed to encourage westward expansion and settlement of the frontier in the United States.

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The Timber Culture Act gave settlers 160 acres if they planted 40 acres of trees.

Whom or what gave 160 acres in the west to people who agreed to occupy the land for at least 5 years?

The Homestead Act of 1862 gave the right to farmers who worked a claim of 160 acres for five years.

Which law gave settlers 160 acres of free land if the settler would move out west?

Homestead Act.

What did the Homestead Act promise settlers?

160 acres of free land to farm

What law gave land to settlers?

The Homestead Act of 1862 granted 160 acres of public land to homesteaders who agreed to live on the land, improve it, and cultivate it for at least five years. This law aimed to encourage settlement and cultivation of the American West.

How did the homestead help bring settlers to the west?

Homesteading gave people the chance to own land simply by claiming it, and working to farm the land.

What law gave native Americans 160 acres of land if they gave up their religion?

The Dawes Act of 1887 offered Native Americans 160 acres of land if they agreed to give up their communal land ownership system and adopt individual farming practices. This law aimed to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream American society by encouraging them to become independent farmers.