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kilo-? it's a prefix so I think it'll work

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10mo ago

The metric prefix denoting 1000x is "kilo-". It is represented by the symbol "k" and is used to indicate a factor of 1000 in the International System of Units (SI).

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What is the metric prefix denoting 1000X?

Kilo is a French word from Greek khilioi meaning "thousand."Some examples of the prefix "kilo":kilogram = 1,000 gramskilometer = 1,000 meters

The metric denoting 1000X is?

Kilo. It is used to represent multiplication by 1000 in the metric system, where 1 kilo is equal to 1000 units.

What is the factor pico?

Pico (symbol p) is a prefix in the metric system denoting one trillionth.

What is the conversion factor of pico?

Pico- (symbol p) is a prefix in the metric system denoting one trillionth, a factor of 10^−12 (0.000000000001).

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Is mega a prefix?

Yes, "mega-" is a prefix derived from the Greek word "megas," meaning "great" or "large." It is commonly used in English to indicate something of great size, extent, or importance.

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The metric prefix for 0.001 is milli-.

Is the omnimeter the longest unit of length with a metric prefix?

Omni- is not an SI prefix, there is no omnimetre. The largest prefix is yotta- denoting septillion. 1 yottametre (1 Ym) is 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 metres, or 1 x 1024 metres.

What is the metric prefix for 1 billon?

If you mean the American billion (1,000,000,000), the metric prefix is "Giga".If you mean the American billion (1,000,000,000), the metric prefix is "Giga".If you mean the American billion (1,000,000,000), the metric prefix is "Giga".If you mean the American billion (1,000,000,000), the metric prefix is "Giga".

What metric prefix means million?

The metric prefix meaning one million is mega-, as in megabyte.The metric prefix meaning one-millionth is micro-, as in micrometer.

What is the largest prefix in the Si system?

The largest prefix in the SI system is "yotta-" denoting 10^24.

Is the smallest prefix metric?

As far as I know, the smallest metric prefix is "yocto-," which is 10-24.