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PEOPLE HAVE MANY opinions on homeschooling, both pro and con. I don't know particular statistics, but since you asked about "con", I'll give you my opinion. Homeschooled kids lack interaction with a great cross-section of children their age. Many people would consider this a "pro", citing that their kids don't pick up bad habits, get involved with the "wrong crowd", aren't exposed to temptations such as drugs, sex etc... But it can also be said that a child that is raised well and has a good open relationship with their parents, can benefit exposure to these issues. They learn how to handle difficult situations, (drugs, sex, rock&roll, bullying etc...) they learn how to make intelligent choices, face problems-talk about them with parents- and resolve diffuclt issues. That is the real world; and as much as parents want to shield and protect their children, eventually they become adults, and if sheltered too much, they may be overwhelmed by "whats out there", and not having experienced coping skills and difficult decision making, my have a very hard time fitting in or simply making good decisions on their own when confronted with adversity. Of course this is my opinion; many parents are at the other end of the spectrum. A great deal of social skills; sharing, following directions, working as a group, hearing different opinions, making friends, extracarricular activities, etc... occur in elementary and junior high school. I think homeschooled kids are "protected" from the "bad" but at the same time "miss out" on the "good". It is a very personal and important issue.

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2mo ago

Some potential cons of homeschooling can include socialization challenges for children, increased responsibility and time commitment for parents, potential limitations in access to extracurricular activities or resources, and the need for parents to acquire adequate teaching skills or resources.

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