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33.84615385 elephants or 33 whole elephants and one elephant with only 3 legs

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Q: 22 elephants is 65 percent of what number of elephant?
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How long is a female elephnant pregnant?

Elephants are gravid, or pregnant for 22 months. This varies a little bit between the African Elephant and Asian Elephant, but is still on average 22 months.

What is heavier a tree or elephant?

mammoth's weigh more but they are exstinked CORRECT ANSWER: Animals living today that are bigger than elephants are aquatic. They are: Blue whale Sperm whale Whale shark Right whale Finback whale Humpback whale

Product of 22 percent of some number?

Product of 22 percent of some number is 0.22 * the number.

What percent of 126 is 22?

126 is 100 percent. 126/100 = 1.26 is 1 percent. The number 22 is 22/1.26 = 17.46 percent from the number 126.

What number is 26 percent of 22?

26 percent of 22 = 5.72

Animal with longest pregnancy?

From what I can tell Elephants are pregnant the longest. They have a gestation period of 22 months. Some people may say that an Alpin Salamander is pregnante for three and a half years but I am unsure about that.

What number35 percent of 22?

To find 35 percent of a number, multiply that number by 0.35. In this instance, 0.35 x 22 = 7.7.Therefore, 35 percent of 22 is 7.7.

How heavy is Pluto compared to an elephant?

Suppose an elephant weighs 2.5 metric tons (5000 kg). Pluto weighs 1.3 x 10^22 kg. That works out to: 2,600,000,000,000,000,000 (2.6 quadrillion) elephants.

What number is 22 percent of 280?

22 percent = 0.220.22 x 280 = 61.6

What is 22 percent of 700?

To find 22 percent of a number, multply the number by 0.22. In this instance, 0.22 x 700 = 154. Therefore, 22 percent of 700 is equal to 154.

What percent is 22 of 10?

To find 10 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.1. In this instance, 0.1 x 22 = 2.2. Therefore, 10 percent of 22 is equal to 2.2.

What is 22 percent of 513?

To find 22 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.22. In this instance, 0.22 x 513 = 112.86. Therefore, 22 percent of 513 is equal to 112.86.