33.84615385 elephants or 33 whole elephants and one elephant with only 3 legs
Elephants are gravid, or pregnant for 22 months. This varies a little bit between the African Elephant and Asian Elephant, but is still on average 22 months.
From what I can tell Elephants are pregnant the longest. They have a gestation period of 22 months. Some people may say that an Alpin Salamander is pregnante for three and a half years but I am unsure about that.
mammoth's weigh more but they are exstinked CORRECT ANSWER: Animals living today that are bigger than elephants are aquatic. They are: Blue whale Sperm whale Whale shark Right whale Finback whale Humpback whale
Product of 22 percent of some number is 0.22 * the number.
126 is 100 percent. 126/100 = 1.26 is 1 percent. The number 22 is 22/1.26 = 17.46 percent from the number 126.
26 percent of 22 = 5.72
An elephant's gestation period typically lasts around 22 months.
One at a time..the gestation period is very long. The elephant's gestation period is 22 months, the longest of any land animal. At birth it is common for an elephant calf to weigh 120 kilograms (265 lb). That would mean that ,technically, they could have an baby elephant every 2-2 1/2 years until the elephant reaches about 45 yrs old. If you mean how many in a lifetime of an elephant...depends on the elephant...elephants have a life span of up to 70 years. If the elephant is in a zoo, life span is about 35 years.
Suppose an elephant weighs 2.5 metric tons (5000 kg). Pluto weighs 1.3 x 10^22 kg. That works out to: 2,600,000,000,000,000,000 (2.6 quadrillion) elephants.
To find 35 percent of a number, multiply that number by 0.35. In this instance, 0.35 x 22 = 7.7.Therefore, 35 percent of 22 is 7.7.
22 percent = 0.220.22 x 280 = 61.6
To find 22 percent of a number, multply the number by 0.22. In this instance, 0.22 x 700 = 154. Therefore, 22 percent of 700 is equal to 154.