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Q: A sum of money was shared between john and tom in the ratio 5 2 Given that john received 15 more than tom how much did tom receive?
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What is the opposite of received?

The opposite of receive can be send (a reverse transfer), or the opposite could be deliver (the other action).The opposite of receive (be a recipient) is to give (be a donor).The opposite of receive is give.

What is another word for receive?

Another word for receive is acquire.Other synonyms of receive are accept, apprehend, appropriate, be given, collect, and redeem.

How many people prefer to give rather than receive?

It all depends on what is being given and/ or received.

What is the difference between discount given and discount received?

nothing there the something ...

Which electrons are shared in molecules?

In metallic bonding, the valence electrons freely 'jump' from atom to atom, forming kind of an electron sea.

What is a shared area?

A Shared Area is the name given to one or more town centre roads that have be modified to remove the distiction between pedestrians and motorists. both share the area.

Did Henry ford receive any medals?

He received the Grand cross of the German eagle. it was given to him on his 75th birthday and was created by Hitler.

When is walmart w2 available?

when the store that you work at has received there W2 you will receive your copy in the mail given you address information is all still correct.

What award did Forest Gump receive from President Johnson?

For his bravery under fire he received one of the highest awards given, the Congressional Medal of Honor.

What is the difference between discount allowed and discount received?

discount allowed means the discount which is given by a seller to the buyer. and discount received means the discount received by the seller for purchases made

Can group b BLOOD given to b group patient who has received blood group o?

Yes, group B blood can be given to a group B patient who has previously received blood from a group O donor. Blood type O is considered a universal donor for red blood cells, so the group B patient's immune system should not have any adverse reactions to receiving blood from a group O donor previously. However, it is always important to consult with a healthcare provider or blood bank for specific guidance in transfusion situations.

What is shared area?

A Shared Area is the name given to one or more town centre roads that have be modified to remove the distiction between pedestrians and motorists. both share the area.