As a general rule, return merchandise at the place where you originally bought it. No store wants to pay you for merchandise that you bought somewhere else; they never received any money for it.
Merchandise is the things stocked on the shelves of any store for sale. A grocery store has merchandise different from a clothing store.
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One can purchase Stuhrling watches directly from the manufacturer and on most merchandise sites like ebay, Overstock, the shopping section of Yahoo, or any big box store.
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It depends if you are returning an item that you bought within a reasonable time frame. Store policies differ as to whether they will reimburse you for the product they no longer carry. You may end up contacting the manufacturer for a fix, but it may not be what you would want.
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There is a huge difference between an enterprise and a general merchandise. An enterprise means a project, a business or a company. A general merchandise on the other hand is a wholesale or retail store that does not deal with any specific category of products.
Yes you can use the Cabelas coupons on gun and knives. You will be able to use it on any regular merchandise in their store.
Apologize saying "I'm sorry was there anything wrong with this item?" it may just be a simple fix or guidance that is needed and they may decide to keep the item, if not try to find what you can do for the customer maybe give a discount on another item, offer an exchange, a coupon , or a store credit. If you can not do any of the above then explain explain the reason for the denial of the return not just the policy. Usually there is a good reason the policy exists find out why and explain it in plain english and always make sure to empathize with the customer be calm but be assertive.
They simply do not have any unsold merchandise to burn.