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No .It is when a horse rubs you with its nose.

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Q: Does nuzzle means the same as nibble?
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What is a sentence for nuzzle?

To nuzzle means to snuggle up to, and rub with your face. Here are some sentences.A puppy will nuzzle its owner the same as it does its mother.He nuzzled her neck and kissed her lips.A colt will nuzzle its mother and beg for milk.

Antonym of nuzzle?

Nuzzle means to lean, snuggle or rub against gently using the nose and mouth. An antonym for nuzzle is to flinch or recoil.

What is the definition of nuzzle?

nuzzel means to push against or rub with your nose

What six letter word means to touch or rub with the nose?


What does nuzzle mean?

Means to rub lips or nose against somthing or someone Gently

Why do the male fan fish nibble a females butt?

The same reason you nibble on a female's butt.

What is a sentence for nuzzle in fourth grade?

The kitten likes to nuzzle me.

Use nuzzle in a sentence?

Be careful there, that horse likes to nuzzle.

How do hamsters show affection?

Hamsters show affection by grooming themselves and others, cuddling with their companions, and squeaking with delight when interacting with their human caretakers. They may also nibble gently as a sign of affection.

Is nuzzle a verb or a noun?

The word 'nuzzle' is a verb (nuzzle, nuzzles, nuzzling, nuzzled); to rub or push against gently with the nose and mouth: to lean or snuggle against. Example:The mare will nuzzle her colt to comfort him.

Six letter word to touch or rub with the nose?

Poshie Nuzzle

Where did the word nibble come form?

The word "nibble" originates from the Middle English word "nebyllen," meaning to peck or gnaw. It evolved from Old English "fnӯblan," which means to gnaw or nibble with the teeth.