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ah descriptive fdfgdf

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Q: Example of descriptive
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What is a Descriptive Phrase?

Phrases that describe. Example (not descriptive): a girl Example (descriptive): a girl with her hair tied up in a precise bun

Is Descriptive an adjective?

yes, for example; the descriptive text is thrown on the desk..

Descriptive research example?

There are many examples of descriptive research. One way to easily show an example of descriptive research is to show how the periodic table categorizes the elements.

What is an example of descriptive statistics?

Examples of descriptive statistics are mean, median, mode, and midrange.

What is an auctorial descriptive?

An auctorial descriptive is an adjective based on the name of an author, for example, Shakespearian, Chaucerian.

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What are some descriptive word pairs?

There are many wonderful descriptive word pairs such as deliciously delectable. Another popular descriptive word pair is magically mysterious for example.

What are some example of descriptive?

Descriptive language is what adds purpose, emotion, and aesthetic value to a text. Any time a subject, verb, or object is modified in a descriptive way, it's considered descriptive language. For example: "The dog barked at the moon" is not descriptive language - "The small mongrel tipped back its head and bayed at the moon as though greeting a long-lost friend" is descriptive. Even "The small mongrel barked angrily at the moon" would be descriptive if you don't want to get "flowery." Here's a link to explain more.

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