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Yes, it is harmful in all forms.

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Q: Fresh eucalyptus is harmful to cats. I want to know if dried eucalyptus is harmful to cats.?
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Related questions

Is eucalyptus plant harmful to cats if consumed?

Yes, eucalyptus plants and oils are harmful to cats. You can do a simple internet search for eucalyptus and cats to find several sites listing it as one of the many toxic plants.

Is eucalyptus oil harmful to cats?

Yes, eucalyptus oil can be harmful to cats when ingested or if they inhale the strong aroma directly. It can cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, and difficulty breathing. It is best to keep eucalyptus oil and other essential oils away from cats to prevent any potential toxicity.

What fresh herbs make cats sick?

Raw parsley may affect some cats electrolyte balance and may be harmful.

Is iceberg lettuce harmful for cats?

no iceberg is not harmful for cats.

Are eucalyptus branches harmful to puppies when chewed?

Yes. Eucalyptus contains a chemical called eucalyptol (among other things), which is toxic to both dogs and cats. You should never use products containing eucalyptus oil on your pets, or allow them to chew on the plant.(Note: "tea tree" isn't in the genus Eucalyptus, but its oil has some closely related chemicals and it's also toxic, don't use "tea tree" products on your pets either.)

How do you treat eucalyptus poisoning in cats?

If your cat has experienced eucalyptus poisoning immediate care from a vet is necessary. Sign of feline eucalyptus poisoning includes diarrhea, vomiting, lack of energy, and respiratory depression.

Are Betta fish harmful to cats?

no betta fish are not harmful to cats thankfully!hello! i love cats and i now that beta fish is not poisned to cats, they have very strong immunity!

Are pole cats harmful to cats?

No because they are natural friends.

Is is the ginger root toxic to cats?

No ginger is not harmful to cats.

Is Baby Oil harmful to cats?

I'm no vet but I don't think baby oil is harmful to cats. If its safe on babies it's probably safe on cats.

Are cooking oils harmful to cats?


Can the smell of lilies harm cats?

No, lily smell is not harmful to cats, but eating lilies can be very toxic and deadly to cats.