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One way to expand your butt is too eat a lot of grass. Believe it or not, licking dog poo works as well. But some people take the simple route and just lick their own butt 5 times a day. it works like a charm.

By the way, why would you even want a big butt? Weirdo.

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14y ago

Swim for 1 mile on three days every week. Do aerobics for 30 minutes on the other days.

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13y ago

Eating a lot of Hostess snacks might help. You should try to sit around more, move as little as you can and your buttocks should get bigger soon!

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No , it is very normal for some people. I have small hips and big butt and I feel just as normal as everyone else (:

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Butt is the question indeed .com

Can a big rat go through a hole as small as a bathroom floor vent?

No its butt is too big

How big is big butt?

about 15cm with a circumference of 7.3 mm

Is 40cm a big size for a butt?

No, I'm sorry it's quite small. People always tell me I have a big butt (it's just very full.) And mine is 90cm. Sorry

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high heels can sometimes bring out the shape of your butt. Also sometimes it depends on your jeans. If the back pockets are big your butt will look small and saggy.

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Small really, but it's getting kind of old and saggy as well.