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Q: How many acres of land do you need to board horse at my EC on howrse?
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How many acres in Delaware?

To my knowledge, there is no set amount of acres that one must have to own a horse...although the said amount is one acre for one horse. And that is the very minimum. I would recommend two to three acres per horse, but it all depends on what type of horse, how old the horse is, and how much pasture it needs to be healthy.

How many acres do you have to have in spotsylvania Virginia to have a horse?

You usually want at least 4 acres of land for the horse to be able to roam around.

How many acres do you need to have a horse in Louisiana?

It is recommended that you have two acres per horse, but more is optimal. With more land you can let your horses roam freely.

Is there a law about horse land?

sort of you need 2 acres per horse in a 2-strand wire fence.

How much land is 125x150 in acres?

To find total area , 125 acres X 150 acres = 18750 acres

Is 67 acres an acre of land?

No. 67 acres is sixty seven acres of land.

How many acres of land per horse in Lexington County South Carolina?

In order to maintain horses in Lexington County South Carolina, you should have at least 2 acres per horse. You should have one and a half acres per pony, and 3/4's of an acre per miniature.?æ

How much land is required to own a horse in Farmington CT?

There isn't a requirement but a horse should have at least an acre or more so they can run and graze.if that helps any!hope it does! good luck!) ==

How many acres of land are required to maintain horses in Laurens County South Carolina?

they say: 2 acres per horse 1 and a 1/2 acres per pony 3/4's of an acre per minature

How much land do you need to own a horse in New York?

You will need approximately 1 acre to 1.5 acres of land for each horse you own in New York. You should not only look at its area, its quality and the water supply.

How much land is needed for two horses in new york?

For two horses, it's recommended to have at least 1-2 acres of land in New York. This can provide enough space for grazing, exercise, and shelter. However, the exact amount of land needed may vary based on factors such as the quality of the pasture, availability of hay, and individual horse needs.

What is Ethiopia's land area in acres?

272,896,000 acres of land area.