There are 229 days between May 16 and December 31, 2007.
Including the start and end dates in the calculation, there are 188 days between the two dates.
Including the start and end dates in the calculation, there are 565 days between the two dates.
December 31 is 243 days after May 2 of the same year.
196 days.
In any given year, including the start and end dates in the calculation, there are 203 days between the two dates.
In any given year, including the start and end dates in the calculation, there are 210 days between the two dates.
Including the start and end dates in the calculation, there are 184 days between the two dates.
Including the start and end date in the calculation, there are 162 days between the two dates.
1673 days.
223 days.
202 days.