It depends on 1 over 4 what .. weeks, moths, centuries, etc.
There are 31285 weeks and 5 days in 6 centuries
4 centuries is 400 years and a leap year occurs every 4 years, therefore 100 leap years will occur in 4 centuries. 365*300 + 366*100 = 146100 days 1440 minutes in 1 day 1440*146100 = 210384000 minutes in 400 years
It depends on 467 what: days, years, centuries?
1 millennium = 1000 years = 10 centuries therefore there are 40 centuries in 4 millennium
A century has 100 years, and a year has about 365 days.
uhh..days! there are seven days in a week so however many weeks there are theres that many days times seven!
182500 days, 1 century equals 100 years, which equals 182500 days.
Since there are 100 years in a century, you just multiply 100 x 4, which is 400 years in 4 centuries.
400 years