30 days has September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31 except February.
The last month of the year is December, which has 31 days.
It lasts for a month.
It can last up to a month.
because last month i was on holiday!
A month after her last period or around 14 days after she thinks she ovulated or had sex.
A full calendar month typically includes all days in a month, from the first day of the month to the last day. It is a complete month with no missing days, whether it has 30 or 31 days.
They ended last month on August 12 2012
Depends. They usually last for 2-4 days. You do the math.
1 month and 22,21,20 or 19 days depending on the month. But, taking a month to be 30 days, it would be 1 month and 20 days.
A full calendar month typically contains 28-31 days, depending on the month. It is a period of time that encompasses all the days from the first day of a month to the last day of the month.
30 days are in the month of September