according to the book ,domestic cats, there is only 30 breeds of cats
its averaged at 1 in 25 cats.
Domestic cats are one species. There are 53 different breeds.
Around 284 breeds and counting.
domestic cats
trade me.
Yes sometimes cougars,leopards,tigers and other big cats will make a meal domestic cats
No. However they are endangering many other species.
Most domestic cats are about 1.3 feet tall. However tigers are cats too and they are about 4 feet tall.
Yes, domestic cats (Felis catus) are distant cousins of wild cats such as the African wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica). These wild cats are the ancestors of domestic cats and they share a common ancestor. Domestic cats were domesticated from wild cats around 9,000 years ago.
There are 36 species of wild cats and one species of domestic cat.