72 inches = 6 feet
Any man with a height of 6 feet or more is considered to be tall. The world average height for men is about 5 feet and 8 inches.
The tallest man on record was Robert Wadlow who reached a height of 8 feet 11 inches. There are no verified records of a man being 10 feet tall.
Man i donβt know
he is 2 feet 2.41 inches
It sounds like a homework question, so I am going to act like a tutor. What you need to do is convert the height of the building and the shadow into inches. Fifty three feet three inches is equal to how many inches? 30 feet is equal to how many Inches? Then all you have to do is figure out the ratio (larger number divided by smaller number in this case) and multiply that by the height of the shadow of the man) Then you might want to convert back into feet and inches. Hint: the building is taller than its shadow, so the man also will be taller than his shadow.
In the United States the average height for a man is 5 feet 10 inches tall. For a woman in the United States the average height is 5 feet 4 inches.
As few as possible.
man 5 feet 8 inches tall
the tall is man in the world is 7.5 No he is not 7,5 feet that is just 2,28 meters he is 8 feet 5 inches (2,57 m) and still growing even rumours of him being 2,59 m/ almost 8 feet 6 inches now. There big differnces in height by using just feet ( ' ) or both feet ( ' ) and inches ( '' )
Randy Savage was 1.85 meters tall (6 feet, 2 inches).
I herd he's 4'9 (4 feet and 9 inches tall) he's a little man:)