

Best Answer
A Quarter million mice

A Male African elephant weighs over 7000kg. Asian Elephants weigh over 5000kg. The biggest recorded elephant was 12000kg. The weight of a mouse is also very variable but is about 20g. Taking the figures of 5000kg and 20g, one would need 250 000 mice to equal the weight of an elephant!

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Q: How many mice would it take to equal the weight of an elephant?
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Assuming an average weight of 6 tons per African elephant, 125 elephants would equal 750 tons.

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If i had to guess it would be on the border of 48 milion might get somewere with that :0

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How many newtons is an elephannt?

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Approximately a single elephant weight may vary from 2.7 tonnes to 4.5 tonnes. So i think 2 or 3 elephant.

How many pounds does an elephant's brain weigh?

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