No, ENIAC could store only 20 numbers of 10 digits length. All other numbers were constants set on switches by hand. It takes thousands of numbers per second of sound and millions of numbers per second of a movie.
ENIAC was the First computer that was used to store program.
what was eniac?
many far better computers
if you are talking about ENIAC, that is how it was programmed.
Eniac didn't have any transistors. It was built with 17,468 vacuum tubes, 7,200 crystal diodes, and a whole host of other components. But no transistors. The first transistor was created in November, 1947, almost two years after Eniac was completed.
ENIAC had neon lamps and oscilloscopes to show current machine state, but these were usually only used for test & debug purposes. The only real output device on ENIAC was one electromechanical IBM cardpunch that could punch 100 cards per minute, 8 ten digit numbers per card maximum.
Rhea Vargas
The ENIAC computer was finished in November, 1945.