kilo grams a puppy is not very tall .......well depending what brede it is
puppy food
I think u would use kilograms
I'm pretty sure it depends on what breed of puppy you have.....
There are puppy shampoos, and most puppys can be frontlined at the age of 8 weeks.
you dont there are specialy traned puppys
puppys need lamb food from devoir1594m
puppys need to play so they can run away from predators
Sorry but love puppys are retired but you can get them on eBay
Yes , it can. Puppys are evolved from wolves.
No they have to be trained to be a sniffer dog when they are puppys.
You should really get a puppy because it will last you your life if you take care of it. I hope that helped you! Get a puppy because a puppys for life and Disney lands for what ? two weeks !