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Correct me if I am wrong but I think the answer is One piece will measure 22 inches The other should measure 14 inches As 2 x 14 = 28 therefore 22 inches is six inches less than 28

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Q: If you have a piece of string that is 36 inches long You need to cut the string into two pieces so that one piece is six inches less than two times the other what is the length of the strings cut?
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Law of vibrating strings?

The law of vibrating strings is the vibrational mode of a string that is stretched. The wavelength is twice the length of the string.

What is the fewest number of strings needed to string a tennis racket?

Two strings are needed to string a tennis racket. The length of the string is to be about 11 to 12 meters.

A piece of string 25 1 over 2 inches long will cut into 3 over 4 inch pieces how many pieces will there be?

To find the number of pieces, divide the total length of the string by the length of each piece. In this case, the string is 25 1/2 inches long and each piece is 3/4 inch long. Dividing 25 1/2 by 3/4 will give you 34 pieces.

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4 inches : 5 pieces or 7 inches : 2 pieces or 8 inches : 2 pieces

Are 5 string basses shorter than 4 string basses?

Actually, lengths of a bass does not depend on the number of strings. Basses can be of different length but this has no connection with the number of strings.

What is the bridge used for on string instruments?

The bridge holds/supports the strings. The distance between the bridge and nut is the string length.

What is the difference between Oracle data types char and varchar2?

Character string values storage:1. CHAR:§ Stores strings of fixed length.§ The length parameter s specifies the length of the strings.§ If the string has smaller length it padded with space at the end§ It will waste of a lot of disk space.§ If the string has bigger length it truncated to the scale number of the string.2. VARCHAR:§ Stores strings of variable length.§ The length parameter specifies the maximum length of the strings§ It stores up to 2000 bytes of characters§ It will occupy space for NULL values§ The total length for strings is defined when database was created.3. VARCHAR(2):§ Stores strings of variable length.§ The length parameter specifies the maximum length of the strings§ It stores up to 4000 bytes of characters§ It will not occupy space for NULL values§ The total length of strings is defined when strings are given

If you change the length of the string will it make the frequency increase or decrease?

Changing the length of a string will affect its frequency. Shortening the string will increase the frequency, while lengthening the string will decrease the frequency. This is because shorter strings vibrate more quickly, producing higher pitches, whereas longer strings vibrate more slowly, resulting in lower pitches.

How many strings of length 0 that start with 1 bit or end with 2 bits are possible?

There are no zero-length strings that start with 1 bit or end with 2 bits. In a zero-length string, there are no bits at all.

How would you change the length of a string to create a higher pitch?

Shorten the string. Shorter strings make higher pitches (e.g. violin); longer strings make lower pitches (e.g. double bass).

What is the string and cable length on a jennings buckmaster 2000 with a 29 inch draw length?

String is 98.5 and cable is 41.5 It varies by draw length, this is for 28" draw

Why is the guitar in the strings family?

because it has STRINGS and freats.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------String instruments have strings stretched over a box or board. The violin, guitar and banjo are string instruments. Sound is made by plucking the strings. (The piano is a percussion instrument because its strings are struck.)The pitch of these instruments depends on the length, thickness and tightness of the strings. The longer the string, the fewer the vibrations and, therefore, the lower the pitch.Tight, thin strings make sounds with high tones. Loose, thick strings make lower tones.