

What does not to scale mean?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What does not to scale mean?
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How mean can a dog can get in the scale of 1 to 10?

You need to define how mean the scale points are.

How do I find out what 3.2 mean on a scale?

Read what the scale or the key to the scale says.

What does sping scale mean?

The spring scale is another type of scale to measure balence.

What is Karen Masters on a scale of one to ten?

Do you mean WHERE on the scale?

Who created the scale?

There are innumerable scales and the answer depends on which scale you mean.

What does a scale do?

A scale weighs an object OR If you mean a scale that can be found on fish, scales can protect and animal.

What does Scale Factor mean?

A scale factor is a number which scales, or multiplies, some quantity. A scale factor of two would mean to multiply whatever it is by two.

What does it mean when a map is drown to scale?

T The map is drawn to scale.

What is the effect of change of origin and scale on arithmetic mean?

The mean and scale will change by the factor of change for the sample data.

How do you Use Scale in a sentence?

You didn't say which meaning of the word you wanted to use. If you mean scale as in a device to measure weight, you could say "I stepped on the scale and prayed that I had lost weight." If you mean scale like a fish or reptile has, you could say "I found a snake scale in the woods." If you mean scale like on a map, you could say "The scale of this map is one inch equals one mile." If you mean scale as in to climb, you could say "We plan to scale Mount Baldy this weekend."

What does the writer mean by diseconomies of sale?

Not profiting from economies of scale, because there are no economies of scale. That is meant by diseconomies of scale.

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