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A biped

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a human.

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Q: What is one that walks on two feet?
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One that walks on two feet?


What walks on no feet in one week two in the next and four in the last week?

man kind

A what organsim walks on two feet?


What has a tail big ears and walks on two feet?

A Kangaroo

What is the difference between a man and a lion?

The different between a man and a lion is that a man walks with two feet while a lion walks with four feet

Lists of riddles?

This is my favorite: What walks on 4, then 2, then 3 things? a Man baby crawls walks on two feet then walks on two feet with a cane, as an old man. heres another one: trick your friends. Simon says : touch your nose HA! Were playing <place name here> says! 3: hope this helps!

Having two feetlike humans?

The word which describes something that walks on two feet is "Bipedal" (Bi' meaning two, Ped'al from the latin Ped; the feet, to walk) A Bipedal creature is called a Biped. Similarly, something that walks on four feet would be called "Quadrapedal" (a Quadruped.)

How many plantigrades?

The definition of a plantigrade is an animal that walks on the flat of their feet. Two examples are humans and bears!

What is one yard plus two feet?

it's five feet, or one yard and two thirds

What does an elephant do with his feet?


How many syllables are in walks?

There is one syllable.

What has 4 feet when young and two when a adult and three when old?

Man. He crawls on all fours when a baby, walks on two when an adult and has 3 (two legs + a cane) when old.