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Top speed: 275 knots

Cruising speed: 241 knots

Has the ability to carry up to 20,000lbs internally.

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Q: What is the average speed of a flying osprey?
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How large is a osprey?

The average osprey weighs 1.5 to 2kgs and their diet is fish. They have 30 heart beats per minute.

What is a flying piscivore?

A flying piscivore is an animal that hunts and consumes fish while flying. Examples of flying piscivores include the Osprey bird and some species of bats.

What is the speed of sound flying?

The speed of sound flying varies depending on the altitude, temperature, and humidity. On average, the speed of sound at cruising altitude ranges from approximately 660 to 720 miles per hour.

What kind of hearing does an osprey have?

An osprey has excellent hearing, which helps it locate prey in the water while flying high above. They can hear the slightest sounds made by fish just beneath the surface of the water, allowing them to accurately dive and catch their prey.

How long is a baby osprey in the nest before flying?

Probably takes between 6 and 7 weeks to leave the nest and start to fly.

How long will an airplane flying at an average speed of 500 miles per hour take to travel 2750 miles?

Divide the distance (2750) by the average speed per hour (500) to get the answer. When you solve the problem, the answer comes to 5.5 hours.

What is a mach number in aeroplanes?

The mach number is the speed of an aircraft, expressed as a fraction of the speed of sound in the atmospheric conditions in which the aircraft is flying. An aircraft flying at mach 1 is flying at the speed of sound.

What is the default flying speed in Minecraft?

slightly higher than the walking speed if you have single player commands you can toggle walking and flying speed.

How does the osprey aircraft work?

What do you mean? The osprey is an aircraft that takes off by angling thrust downward, and then slowly angling it back to pick up speed and fly like a normal aircraft. A harrier does the same, only the harrier uses thrust nozzles, and the osprey rotates the entire engine. I have no idea how it stabilizes.

What is the average speed limit north to south in America?

Most US states have an interstate speed limit of 70 mph however most western states have a 75 mph speed limit on interstates and most northeastern states have a 65 mph maximum interstate speed limit.Keep in mind: average speed is not max speed. In practice, over a longer trip, the average speed is much lower than the max allowed one because of traffic, driver inconsistency, stops, etc.If your car has a trip computer: most show average and maximum speed, but even if they only show one speed (the average one) you can easily test for yourself. Reset the trip computer (or GPS trip) and look at the average speed after a meaningful distance. Keeping an occasional eye on the speedometer (your eyes should be on the road ahead!) will show you that your average speed is less than your maximum speed right away.

What is the flying speed of the Bat Hawk?

Diving:20kmh Flying:140kmh