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Q: What is the fastest pole bending time?
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What is the fastest pole bending time in the US?

19.297 on a horse named barbie at texas highschool rodeo finals

What breed of horse is best for pole bending?

You do a zigzag pattern around 6 poles the objective is to get the fastest time and if you knock down a pole you add 5 seconds to your time. Just like barrels you can go either left or right. You have to go straight the turn around the first pole then zigzag around them and then when you get around the last pole you come back and zigzag and then you go around the last pole and run home. whip kick and spur!

What is western horseback riding pole bending?

Pole bending is a timed event. There are multiple poles which you weave through twice around.

What are the height of the poles used in pole bending?

6 foot

How far apart do you set poles in pole bending?

21 feet apart

What is safer barrel racing or pole bending?

niether pole bending- pols can fall on can fall may react. barrel racing- barrels fall and hit you.can fall may react.

What games do you play in a Gymkhana?

You can do Pole Bending,Catalog Race, And lots of other things.

What is A RACE scoring pole?

it is a race which in you have to score the fastest time to get first on a grid. Like Lewis Hamilton at the Canadian grand prix 2010.

Number of drive that sit on pole position for a formula one race?

In a single race, there can only be one driver who starts from pole position. Pole position refers to the 1st place on the starting grid. During the Qualifying sessions, drivers go around the track and set the fastest time possible. The driver who was fastest during qualifying gets the pole position. Timing is usually correct to 1/1000th of a Second and so, there is absolutely no way two drivers can finish with the same time. So, only one driver starts from Pole Position.

In the sport pole bending how far away are the poles set from each other?

21 feet.

What is a gaming horse?

This is when you take a horse to various games and compete in them such as barrel racing, or pole bending.

In movie enchanted who pushes the dragon or witch off the roof?

No one she fell off by bending the pole.