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the cheetah is the worlds fastest land animal

the orangutan is the smartest animal

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Q: What is the smartest and fastest animal in the world?
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Are dogs the smartest animal in the world?

No. dogs are smart but they are not the smartest.

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Dolphins are one of the most smartest animals of the world.

What is the smartest and fastest animal in the planet?

The smartest animal on the planet is generally considered to be the human being, due to our advanced cognitive abilities. The fastest animal on land is the cheetah, which can reach speeds of up to 75 miles per hour in short bursts.

Witch is the smartest animal in the world?

The smartest animal in the world is often considered to be the human being. Humans have advanced cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, and the capacity for complex reasoning that set them apart from other animals.

Is man the smartest animal?

We may be pretty stupid at times, but we have Stephen William Hawking in our world, it proves we are the smartest animal.

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Smartest shark is probably the most active sharks. Is it the great white or the fastest sharks.

What is the smartest animal-?

the dolphin is the smartest animal in the sea Ben z'ev: possibly, personaly I think wolves are the smartest animals, but dolphins are very smart too.

Classified as the world's fastest land animal?

The cheetah is classified as the world's fastest land animal.

What is a cheetah's strategy in a fight?

Run...! The Cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, so running is the smartest move - unless its opponent can be easily overcome without inflicting much damage.

Is the cheetah the fastest animal in Africa?

Yes, it's the fastest animal in the world.

Is the fastest animal in Africa is the cheetah?

Yes, it's the fastest animal in the world.

What animal is more memory power in the world?

No. Humans are the smartest things in the world.