Ivan Drago
The Boxer is a member of the Working Dog Group.
the tallest dog was born in china it is now 3.4ft
A boxer dog is a jogger because it is a submissive dog.
Although the current World's Tallest Dog is a Great Dane, the tallest breed of Dog is an Irish Wolfhound.
because boxer dog is very powerful dog and energatic dog
I Think a Boxer Dog is betterReally it depends on the person's taste because my mom likes the teacup poodle.But i like the boxer dog.
On average, the Irish Wolfhound is the tallest dog breed.
the dog species boxer is called the same in French.
A boxer can be a person who fights in a boxing match or a boxer is a type of German Dog.
Which is a better companion between a boxer girl dog and a boxer boy dog depends on how well you bond with each. Boxers are wonderful dogs with giant and sweet personalities.
You can buy a Bengal cat and a boxer dog at a licensed breeder in your area.