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hey would probably get smaller!

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Q: What would happen to the bars in the graph if you double the increments?
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What type of graph do you use when you are comparing things that is not a double bar graph?

you would use a line graph

What kind of graph is most useful showing relationship between two numerical values?

A scatter plot is most useful for showing the relationship between two numerical values. It can reveal patterns such as correlations, clusters, or trends in the data.

Where would you see a double line graph?

a store

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double bar graph

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double bar graph

Why does a double-bar graph have a key?

Without it you would not know which bars refer to which datasets.

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If you double the diameter, or the radius, then the perimeter will also double.

On the US Customary side of the ruler what are the numbered increments called?

One a US customary ruler, the increments are usually in eighths or sixteenths of an inch. Few rulers would have increments that are smaller.

Which type of graph would you use to show the number of students who went on the field trip and the number of students who did not go on the field trip in each class?

A double bar graph would tell us.

What would happen if you park on double yellow lines in UK?

you would get a fine.

What type of graph would you use to display the ages of students in your classroom?

The type of graph you would use would be a PICTURE GRAPH or a TALLY CHART

What type of graph would be better than a bar graph for showing the average rainfall in a year?

better graph would be a line graph