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Section A's are also known as a Welsh Mountain Pony. They are the smallest type of welsh pony. They have very prety dished faces and are a popular child's pony. The maximum height for a Welsh A is 12hh

Section B is a welsh pony. They are slightly taller than a section A. They are normally slightly more dainty an therfore are often plaited up and shown as Show Ponies or Show Hunters as well as an m&m. The upper height limit on these is 13.2hh

Wection C is a welsh pony of cob type. They are taller and more stocky than section B and A. These move with more knee action and 'flash' especially when trotting. The upper height limit is also 13.2hh

A Section D is a welsh cob. The lower height limit is 13.2hh and has no upper limit, the tallest of all the welsh ponies. They are also a cob type, very stocky and strong. These also move with knee action

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