Case by case. You need to compute the area for each and then decide. The terms do not imply anything about which is larger.
A land parcel is a plot of land that can be sold or purchased for development.
parcel no pacel. It is an open piece of property.
A Parcel of Land is the correct term.
Land locked means the parcel has no access to get to and from the property because abutting land of another owner lies between the land locked parcel and the nearest way or street and the owner of the land locked parcel has no right of way over that parcel.Land locked means the parcel has no access to get to and from the property because abutting land of another owner lies between the land locked parcel and the nearest way or street and the owner of the land locked parcel has no right of way over that parcel.Land locked means the parcel has no access to get to and from the property because abutting land of another owner lies between the land locked parcel and the nearest way or street and the owner of the land locked parcel has no right of way over that parcel.Land locked means the parcel has no access to get to and from the property because abutting land of another owner lies between the land locked parcel and the nearest way or street and the owner of the land locked parcel has no right of way over that parcel.
It covers the parcel of land described in the deed, anything permanently attached to it, and all the rights and burdens that are attached to that parcel of land.It covers the parcel of land described in the deed, anything permanently attached to it, and all the rights and burdens that are attached to that parcel of land.It covers the parcel of land described in the deed, anything permanently attached to it, and all the rights and burdens that are attached to that parcel of land.It covers the parcel of land described in the deed, anything permanently attached to it, and all the rights and burdens that are attached to that parcel of land.
Parcel is used to describe a portion of land.
There are about 1.26 acres in a 55,029 square foot parcel of land.
Grams is the SI unit for weight
The word "parcel" does not refer to a fixed, uniform sized piece of land, so it could be nearly anything.
In law, the owner of a parcel of land may, because he owns that particular piece of land, have rights pertaining to the adjoining parcel of land. The most common of these is the right of way. The owner of parcel A has the right to travel over parcel B to get to and from parcel A, and there is nothing legal the owner of parcel B can do to stop it. In a case like this parcel A is called a "dominant tenement" and parcel B is called a "servient tenement". In some jurisdictions, where the word "tenement" has unfortunate connotations, the word "tract" might possibly be substituted.
619 E Jensen St Unit 95 what is my parcel ID number