A four year old is four years old or 1460 days old or 48 months or you get the idea a four year old is four
It is a year and four months old.
she is 43 year old
how do I get the answer to my Question?
My Mother is the temporary guardian of my four year old son. Can she tell me that he can not move iin with me when i get my own homw?
Young platypuses are old enough to leave their mother at about four months old, but they tend to stay with her until the next year's breeding season.
the four year old has a 2% chance of living sorry
Mara Wilson is a 27 year old actress with four siblings. Her parents' names are Michael Wilson and Suzie Wilson.
Ummm... maybe. I depends how smart the four year old is, and how well it studies robots.
Of course not, as long as the Home Owner (probablly the mother) allows it, other wise it would be tresspassing
He should be 48 months old or simply 4 year old.