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Most people think that rabbits are quiet creatures and make very little

sound. However rabbits make a surprising number of noises - thumps, grunts, snorts, chirps, chuffs, and even the occasional growl. Usually noises like this mean they are excited for some reason.

Chirps and chuffs might mean they are very happy to see you; grunts and growls might mean they are very upset by something, such as a new rabbit being introduced to the cage or you are holding them when they don't want to be. When your rabbit growls, try to determine what is happening to cause it and change it.

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13y ago
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11y ago

It could be related to:

- response to being scared or angry, in which case the rumble often sounds higher and the body vibrates shortly

- dominance within a group if you have more than one guinea pig

- petting in the wrong spots (for instance, on your pet's underside)

Please check the provided link for comparing the sound you refer to to the sound database of the Guinea Pig Manual.

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12y ago

If it is a sort of purring noise, this is what we call "helicoptering". I have a guinea pig and if you stroke it in a certain place, it does this. It basically means its happy.

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14y ago

a hissing sound warns off a potential opponent ,forestalling forestalling an actual battle...................

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Q: Why do rabbits growl?
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They run and run and run. They tend to stay in corners and growl a little bit (yes they growl). If back into a corner they will thump and 'punch'. Sometimes they bite, depending on the size of the predator. Since Rabbits are prey animals by nature they run.

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Yes, they are more aggressive when they are pregnant. They will also bite and hiss at you if you touch or pet its belly.

What do rabbits sound like?

Rabbits typically make soft, quiet sounds, such as purring, grunting, or teeth grinding. When in distress or danger, they may emit high-pitched squeals or loud thumps with their hind feet. Overall, rabbits are mostly quiet animals.

Can a kangaroo growl?

No. Kangaroos do not growl.

Do tulips growl?

Yes, tulips do growl, but their growl is so soft that you can't hear them.

What is the past tense of growl?

The past tense of growl is growled.

How do you spell the word growl?

You spelled the word growl correctly. The large dog had a deep growl, but the small dog had a high-pitched growl.

Do female rabbits growl?

Yes, female rabbits can growl. Growling is a sign of aggression or stress in rabbits and can occur in both males and females. It is important to observe the behavior of the rabbit and address any underlying issues causing the growling.

What is Tagalog of growl?

The Tagalog word for growl is "ungol" or "gulung-gulong."

How many syllables in growL?

There is one syllable in the word "growl."