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This is a question you should be asking her doctor.

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Q: Why does a six-year-old crave salt to the point that she licks the packets of seasoning?
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Related questions

What is the vicelord licks?

The licks are to get you in the gang

Why would a dog crave salt?

All mamals crave salt to a point. Humans not so much anymore because there is so much salt in the foods they eat. Back in history the hunters often staked out the natural occurring salt licks to insure finding an animal to get for their next meals. Make sure your dog is getting a good quality dogfood and this should take care of any cravings.

When was Kitten Licks created?

Kitten Licks was created in 1996.

When was Read My Licks created?

Read My Licks was created in 1994.

Does it take 442 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie ROLL?

it does not take 442 licks it takes 5,000 licks i counted it while i was eating it

How many Licks to center of a tootsie roll pop?

540 licks

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a lillipop?

It takes about 942 licks to get to the center

How many licks does it takes to get to the center of a tottsie roll pop?

173 licks

How many licks does it take to reach he enter of a tootsie pop?

about 150 licks.

When was Live Licks created?

Live Licks was created on 2004-11-01.

When was Tasteful Licks Records created?

Tasteful Licks Records was created in 2005.

When was Forty Licks created?

Forty Licks was created on 1964-01-10.