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"If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, then the end is near."

-Jack Welch

Jack Welch, the former CEO of GE, was always a major proponent for companies who were proactive with change rather than reactive. This quote is directed to the rate of change outside [your company] exceeding the rate of change inside [your company]. According to Welch, if your company is not changing and adapting to new cultures, trends, markets, and etc., faster than the rest of the world is changing it will become obsolete. A company should be setting the new trends with which culture is being formed, not reacting to the change long after it happened. Look at what Steve Jobs did with Apple Inc. Together the iPod and iTunes (mp3/mp4) lines have helped Apple redefine an entire generation's way of listening to music and even overall communication (iPhone 4 anyone?). They were setting the trends which companies like Samsung, Microsoft, and Sony would have to run to catch up with. As you can tell with the success (or lack thereof) of the Zune, it is better to set the bar than to try and catch it.

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Q: What was Jack Welch's quote about the rate of change inside vs outside?
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Who said the quote if you fail to plan then plan to fail?

I believe the quote is actually "If you fail to prepare then you are preparing to fail" and it would be Benjamin Franklin.

What is rfq in project management?

RFQ stands for Request for Quote or Request for Quotation It is commonly used in Project Procurement Management. For ex: Let us say you are a builder and I want to construct an house, i will ask you for a quotation wherein you will give me a quote that says how much it would cost me, how much time you would take etc.

Change Order?

Change Order Number ___(Download)Pursuant to that agreement between _________________, described herein as OWNER and __________________, described herein as CONTRACTOR, dated _____________ the following change is made in the specifications and scope of work to be performed:____________________________________________________________.This results in an increase of the total contract price in the amount of $ ______ (______&___/100 dollars) and an adjusted total contract price of $ _____ (______________&___/100 dollars). This Change order shall be due and paid separately on a Net 30 Day basis from the date of completion which is estimated to be ________________.Dated: _______________________________________Accepted by:______________________________________________________ OWNER______________________________________________________ CONTRACTORChange Order Number ___Review ListThis review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. Change or Work Orders are one of the only profit opportunities for construction companies. If you are a contractor, be sure to so advise your clients so they understand that “changes” are much more expensive than original work. When estimating Change Orders remember that lots of time can be absorbed in the quotation process. So be sure to provide for that extra time when you quote on these jobs. If you are the owner, do everything in your power to preplan events so you do not need to enter into these expensive changes.1. Make multiple copies. Give one to each party.

What are Microsoft dynamics CRM capabilities?

Contact Management Account Management Quote and Order Management Opportunity Management Sales Process Automation Campaign Management Customer Segmentation Call Center Automation Service Automation Integration Capability Easy Customization Partner Management I was pretty confused earlier got my doubts cleared from alletec you can check it out if need more help. thanks hope you got your answer

How do you write a letter for surrender the cheque books to manager?

you don't, when you surrender the checkbook get a receipt, otherwise if you mail it, do it registered with receipt and do it easy: quote Name, address, date to ..... Bank Address Att: ......Manager re: Surrender Checkbook Account # Dear ladies and gentlemen; Please find enclosed the checkbooks for account #...... Kind regards ...... enclosed: checkbook checks number ...... to ...... for account # unquote Please find enclosed

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What is the meaning of outside of a dog a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read?

Meaning besides having a dog, a book is a good thing to have. Just the play on the words inside and outside make it funny to think of it as written. I like this quote, had been told it was Mark Twain, it is Groucho Marx.