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Q: What percent of people don't use netiquette?
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How does netiquette relate to you?

If by "you" you mean those who use WikiAnswers, well bad netiquette can lead to removal from the site for anywhere from one minute to permanently.

List six ways to use your netiquette?

i don't know answer stupid net

What is legal and ethical use on the internet?

We should know netiquette to use internet legally. There are 26 net-etiquette

What is the teen percent of drug use in the state of Ohio?

Me dont knoe

What is an example of bad netiquette?

An example of bad netiquette is typing in all caps. PEOPLE WILL THINK YOU ARE YELLING. Also, don't use........................too much............punctuation!!!1!!!@!!! Also, dnt tlk lik dis pls i cnt tll wht ur sayin. Using vulgar language is another example of bad netiquette, as is sharing secrets and personal information, like passwords and phone numbers (it doesn't matter if it's yours or a friend's, it's still bad netiquette).

What is the set of rules called that govern the use of the shared services of the world wide web?


How do humans use geothermal energy?

people dont use geothermal it is in the earths crust so people dont use geothermal

Is netiquette important in cyber-chatting?

Of course it is! Etiquette is important in every area of life. Specifically in relation to cyber-chatting, use of netiquette can mean the difference between a great chat or nothing more than name-calling and bickering.

Why should you use netiquette?

Netiquette should be used during email, social networking sites, and even instant messaging or chat rooms. Like any other form of communication, the Internet has rules and guidelines for what is considered acceptable behavior.

Which two guidelines demonstrate proper netiquette?

The code of online etiquette, or netiquette, varies from one platform to another; there is a netiquette for email and one for the comments sections of articles and blogs. A nearly universal rule of netiquette is not to type in all capitals, as it is seen as aggressive behavior.

What percent of people use steroids?

99.999 %

Why do some people not use You Tube?

some have parents that dont let some dont have computer some dont know how to use it.