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it is now... yeah boi!

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When did mans life span age start to reduce and why from the Bible when did mans life span change?

Mans life span changed greatly in the bible, till the flood and Noah manned lived seven to nine hundred years, then after the flood it is 70 years as the Psalms 90 says mans life is three score and a half.

How muh is 100000000?

While the number is one hundred million, it does not give you any idea of how big that is. If you were to count off one hundred million seconds it would take you almost 3 years. An obvious extra thought is that if you counted off seconds for your whole life (say you lived to be 90 years old) you would get to about three billion seconds.

Why did dr manette give his name as oneo hundred and five North Tower?

He told them that was his name because that was the cell in the bastille in which he spent so many years of his life.

Who is the only woman in the Bible to have her age mentioned?

I don't assert that she is the only one, but Sarah is stated at one point to be 90 years old, and at another 127.Gen 17:17 Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? And shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?Gen 23:1 And Sarah was an hundred and seven and twenty years old: these were the years of the life of SSavearah.

What career path did Albert Einstein take?

He was focusing on doing what he loved doing which was being intelligent and making life easier for himself He was focusing on doing what he loved doing which was being intelligent and making life easier for himself He was focusing on doing what he loved doing which was being intelligent and making life easier for himself

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What is the life span of a mango?

the life span of a mango tree is more than hundred years

Who the animal have long life?

Reptiles - some tortoises can live over a hundred years !

How many years passed between Caesar's refusal to disband his armies and his appointment as dictator for life?

two hundred years

Is century a proper noun?

It can be. If you are talking about one century as a length of time, ie. one hundred years. It is not. One hundred years ago... One century ago... It's not capitalized. If you are talking about life in the 14th Century, then it is capitalized because you are speaking of a specific set of one hundred years.

What has the author Irene Morris written?

Irene Morris has written: 'Three hundred years of Baptist life in Coventry'

Life cycle of a evergreen tree?

As with all plants, germination, growth, maturity and death.

Has facebook made your life easier?

yes it has made my life easier.

How does Microsoft make life easier?

Microsoft make life easier

How can you assess your life skills?

interest, education, experience and upbringing.

Life expectation of apple tree?

commercial orchards will live for 20-30 years. a wild apple tree from seeds can live for several hundred years

Why is taxonomy always changing?

Taxonomy is always changing due to new genetic, molecular, and ecological discoveries that provide more information about the relationships between organisms. As our understanding of evolutionary patterns improves, taxonomists revise classifications to better reflect the evolutionary history of species. Additionally, advances in technology and methods of analysis contribute to the dynamic nature of taxonomy.

How does a inclined plane life easier?

it makes life easier because of ramps for wheelchairs .