How do you round the number 12.334467 to the tenths place?
Look at the value in the hundredths place of the number. If that value is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, then you increase the value of the tenths place by one and truncate (sever the remaining digits and discard them) the number at that spot (the tenths place). If the value in the hundredths place is 0,1,2,3, or 4, then you don't change the number's value in the tenths place, but you still truncate the number at the tenths place.So, in your case:12.334467 has the following positional values, from left to right:The tens place is 1The ones place is 2The tenths place is 3The hundredths place is 3The thousandths place is 4The ten thousandths place is 4The hundred thousandth place is 6The millionth place is 7As explained above, the hundredths place is 3, therefore you don't change the value of the number's tenth place, which is also 3. Finally, you truncate the number at that spot, resulting in 12.3. This is the value of the number rounded to the tenths spot.These are the values of the number if they were rounded to the other positions:To the tens place: 10To the ones place: 12To the hundredths place: 12.33To the thousandths place: 12.334To the ten thousandths place: 12.3345To the hundred thousandth place: 12.33447To the millionth place: 12.334467