

Best Answer

In Fahrenheit: 35 degrees below freezing

In Celsius, 3 degrees below freezing.

(In both cases, we're using "freezing" to mean

the freezing temperature of water.)

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Q: -3 degrees is how many degrees below freezing?
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How many degrees is negative 3 degrees Fahrenheit below the freezing temperature of water?

The freezing temperature of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, negative 3 degrees Fahrenheit is 35 degrees below the freezing temperature of water.

How many degrees below freezing is -3 degrees?

It depends on the scale that you are using.

What does minus 3 degrees mean is it 3 degrees below zero or 3 degrees below 32 degrees Fahrenheit?

minus 3 degrees means that it's three degrees below freezing. So if you are measuring in celsius then it would be -3 degrees since freezing is zero degrees celsius. If you are measuring in Fahrenheit then it would be 29 degrees since 32 degrees is freezing.

How many degrees below freezing is 20 degrees F?

20° F is 12 Fahrenheit degrees and (6 and 2/3) Celsius degrees colder than the freezing point of water.

What does 3 degrees below zero mean?

Three degrees below zero means the temperature is three degrees below the freezing point of water, or -3 degrees Celsius or 26.6 degrees Fahrenheit. It indicates a very cold temperature.

What is -3 degrees Celsius?

-3 degrees Celsius is below freezing. It is quite cold and can result in icy conditions.

Is minus 7 degrees Celsius below freezing?

Anything below zero (0) is freezing.For example:-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10Since -7 is below 0, yes, it is freezing.

Is the freezing point of 3 degrees Celsius?

No, the freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius. At 3 degrees Celsius, water is still in its liquid state.

Will food freeze at 30 degrees in a fridge?

that would be a NO! The freezing point of water is 0 degrees centigrade or 32 degree farhneit .Hence food will freeze only in a freezer as it maintains a temperature below freezing point of water, and not in a refrigerator because the refrigerator maintains a temperature that is few degrees above the freezing point.(3-5 degree celsius or 37 to 41 degree farhneit)

How do you write 3 degrees below zero as an integer?

3 degrees below 0 mean -3. The reason that 3 below 0 is -3 is because it isnt getting hotter its getting colder is below not above if it said 3 degrees above 0 then your answer would be just 3 but in this case its asking you for below 0!

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3 degrees below 0

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boiling point = 100 degrees freezing point = 0 degrees is a ploar substance