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Q: . In the unit cell of galena six square faces of equal size each form 90 degree angles with every adjacent face. What type of crystal system is this?
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What is cleavage of Galena?

Cleavage of galena is the tendency of the mineral to break along planes of weakness, resulting in smooth, flat surfaces. Galena exhibits perfect cleavage in three directions at right angles to each other, producing cubic or octahedral shapes. This property is a result of the crystal structure of galena.

Does Galena always split into small cubes?

No, Galena does not always split into small cubes. While Galena commonly forms cubic crystals due to its crystal structure, it can also occur in other forms and crystal habits depending on its growth conditions.

Does Galena and halite have the same chemical composition and different crystalline structures?

Galena and halite have different chemical compositions. Galena is lead sulfide (PbS), while halite is sodium chloride (NaCl). Both minerals have distinct crystalline structures: galena has a cubic crystal structure, while halite has a cubic crystal structure as well.

What are 4 minerals that have iron in their chemical formulas?

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What are crystal form and cleavage?

Crystal form refers to the natural geometric shape of a mineral crystal, which is determined by its atomic structure. Cleavage is the tendency of a mineral to break along distinct planes of weakness due to its internal atomic arrangement. Cleavage can be described in terms of the number of planes, angles between them, and the quality of the cleavage surface.

Can a mineral have the same crystal structure as another mineral?

Absolutely. For example, Galena and Halite.

What kind of texture does galena have?

Galena typically has a metallic or dull luster with a smooth and sometimes angular crystal structure.

The mineral halite is known as lead or table salt?

Halite is table salt. The cubic crystal "galena" is lead sulfide.

What property causes the mineral galena to break into tiny cubes?

The property that causes galena to break into tiny cubes is its cleavage. Galena exhibits perfect cubic cleavage, meaning that when struck or broken, it tends to break along smooth, flat planes that are parallel to the cube faces of the crystal structure.

What does unprocessed gold from a mine look like?

Pieces of gold with silver inside of a vein of galena crystal, which is inside of a vein of Quartz crystal. The gold is usually in cubes and can vary from huge to microscopic.

What does galena look like?

Galena is a mineral that typically appears as shiny, metallic-looking silver to lead-gray crystals. It has a distinctive cubic crystal structure and is quite heavy compared to other minerals of similar size.

Why is galena useful?

Galena is useful because it is the most common ore of lead and is an important source of this metal. It is also used in crystal radio receivers due to its semiconductor properties and as a pigment in cosmetics and paints. Additionally, galena has been historically used in ancient eyeliners and medicinal remedies.