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7.395 x 10-8

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Q: 0.000 000 073 95 in standard form?
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What is the value of the digit 4 in 073?

It has no value since 4 does not appear in 073!

Is 073 the same as 73 cents?


If I gave you one dollar on the first day of the month then doubled your money everyday. How much would you have at the end of the month axproximitly?

First Day you have 2^0 = $1.00 Second Day, you have 2^1 = 2.00 30th Day you have 2^29 = a very large amount= 1, 073, 741, 824.00 Approximately 1 Billion DollarsIf it were February, it would be 2^27 or 2^28 depending on leap years. If it were March, it would be 2^30 or double the above amount.

What are the two popular coding systems to represent data?

Different types of computer have slightly different character sets. Many character setsalso have codes for control characters. These non-printing characters are used forspecial purposes.Examples of control characters are, end of record and end of file markers in a file,carriage return and line feed for a printer, begin and end transmission with a modem andcursor movement on a screen. Over the years, different computer designers have useddifferent sets of codes for representing characters, which has led to great difficulty intransferring information from one computer to another. Most computers nowadays useinternationally agreed character sets. Unless the coding scheme (character set) isstandard, it will not be possible to exchange textual data between computers.ASCII___________(American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the most widelyused coding system to represent data.ASCII is used on many personal computers and minicomputers.ASCII is a 7-bit code that permits 27=128 distinct characters.The 128 different combinations that can be represented in 7 bits are plenty to allow forall the letters, numbers and special symbols. An eight bit was added. This allowed extra128 characters to be represented. The extra 128 combinations are used for symbolssuch as Ç ü è ©, ®, Æ, etc.The codes for the alphabetical characters indicate their relative positions in the alphabetin ASCII. This is known as collating sequence, thus, sorting textual items can betransformed into sorting the corresponding character codes. Also, in ASCII, uppercasecharacters, lowercase characters and digits etc, are grouped together. So it is easy tomap between upper and lower case characters.ASCIIValue CharacterASCIIValue CharacterASCIIValue CharacterASCIIValue Character000 NUL 032 blank 064 @ 096 '001 SOH 033 ! 065 A 097 a002 STX 034 " 066 B 098 b003 ETX 035 # 067 C 099 c004 EOT 036 $ 068 D 100 d005 ENQ 037 % 069 E 101 e006 ACK 038 & 070 F 102 f007 BEL 039 ' 071 G 103 g008 BS 040 ( 072 H 104 h009 HT 041 ) 073 I 105 IStudent Notes Theory

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