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Q: 1. Do you think the natural resources of the world are evenly or non-evenly distributed?
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How natural resources distributed throughout the world?

Natural Resources are distributed evenly among all nations

Are natural resources distributed evenly around the world?

No, natural resources are not distributed evenly around the world. Different regions have different levels of abundance in resources such as oil, minerals, and water. Factors like geology, climate, and past geological processes influence the distribution of natural resources across the globe.

Why all resources whether natural or human-made are not evenly distributed on the earth?

Resources are not evenly distributed on Earth due to various factors such as geological processes (e.g., mineral formation), historical events (e.g., colonization), economic activities (e.g., mining, agriculture), and physical geography (e.g., climate, terrain). Additionally, human factors such as technology, population distribution, and infrastructure also play a role in the uneven distribution of resources.

What are the five characteristics of resources?

a.They are scarce i.e their supply is limited. b.They have mortality value. c.They are evenly distributed. d.They have alternative resources.

What are the five characteristics of economic resources?

a.They are scarce i.e their supply is limited. b.They have mortality value. c.They are evenly distributed. d.They have alternative resources.

Why there is uneven distribution of resources on earth?

The uneven distribution of resources on Earth can be attributed to factors such as physical geography, historical events, political systems, economic development, and globalization. Natural resources are not evenly distributed across the planet, leading to disparities in access and availability. Additionally, human activities and systems of trade have further shaped the distribution of resources over time.

Why natural and human resources not evenly distributed on the earth?

Natural resources are unevenly distributed on Earth due to geological processes that concentrate minerals in certain regions. Human resources, such as population and skills, are unevenly distributed due to historical, cultural, and economic factors that lead to uneven development levels across different regions.

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What are the characteristic of economic resource?

a.They are scarce i.e their supply is limited. b.They have mortality value. c.They are evenly distributed. d.They have alternative resources.

Are natural resources spread evenly around the world?

No, natural resources are not spread evenly around the world. Some regions are naturally blessed with abundant resources such as oil, gas, minerals, and fertile land, while others may have limited or no access to such resources. Factors like geological processes, climate, and historical events have contributed to the uneven distribution of natural resources globally.