The number of days in a month vary from 28 to 31.
1,000 days is approximatly 33 months.
556 days equals to 1 year 7 months which means 19 months are there.
266 days = 8.73940637 months
approx 18.5 months
224 days = 32 weeks = 7 months 2 weeks.
2 years
1000 day means 32 months and 28 days
100 days equals 3 months and several days, the exact number of days depending on which months are involved.
556 days equals to 1 year 7 months which means 19 months are there.
266 days = 8.73940637 months
4 months
approx 18.5 months
224 days = 32 weeks = 7 months 2 weeks.
2 months
about 3 month
2 years
As precise an answer as you are going to get is 32.8542 average months. Gotten through 1000 / (365.25 i.e. days in average year / 12 months per year)